You went to the salon and your barber cut your hair short or you wanted to grow long mane but your hair didn’t support your decision. No matter what the reason is, growing out your hair is the most difficult task of all.
Experts suggest that hair growth is gradual and it grows a quarter or half an inch every month. But a healthy scalp can help achieve desired results faster.
With simple and easy to follow steps, you can have well-groomed hair and this natural therapy that we are about to introduce will let you grow out your hair, without any drastic measures.
1. Go Easy On Your Shampoo

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It’s understandable that you are addicted to washing your hair every day but doing this is only going to lead to hair fall. It strips off the precious natural oil from your scalp and weakens your hair. This will further lead to split ends from your hair shaft and cause damage.
To grow it smoothly and faster, limit its usage to twice a week and start applying a leave-in conditioner. It will help prevent moisture loss and breakage as well, leading to hair growth.
2. Brush Your Hair

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When you brush your hair, it helps spread the natural oil all the way to the tips and improves its appearance as well. It also helps speed up the growth process. Furthermore, this method also stimulates blood circulation to your scalp which means your hair will look luscious and healthy.
Follow this method ardently but do not overdo it as it can lead to hair fall as well. Overall, brushing your hair can improve the hair strength and you can lessen your visits to the salon as well for haircuts.
3. Eat A Balanced Diet

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The very first step before everything else is to follow a proper diet regime. A balanced diet helps boost the body’s metabolism ad at the same, it helps grow out your hair as well. Food items that include biotin, vitamins A, C, D & E are quite effective that will help grow out that mane sooner than you can imagine.
4. Say No To Heat

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Just like you care for your skin, why not do the same for your hair as well? Constant use of hair dryers or other styling tools isn’t good. Your hair will be disappointed and there will come a plateau where the growth could stop.
Even hot water can strip off the natural oil and hence it is advised that you wash your hair with lukewarm water as it helps clear any residues from the scalp and allows your hair to grow faster.
5. Make A Hair Mask At Home

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Sometimes your hair would need some serious revival. Yes, you can go to a salon and get a hair massage done but if you want to do it the natural way, a homemade recipe can be your safe bet. Make a mask made of yogurt, raw honey and a few drops of lemon juice. Use this solution once a week on dry hair and leave it on for half an hour. Sequel to this, go for a shampoo and a conditioner for added benefits.
6. Give Some Space

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In the midst of making your hair grow faster, you might forget to give it a rest. Avoid all the possible steps that help grow your hair and follow just one simple rule, do a regular hair champi with coconut oil infused with curry leaves.This method will help improve the hair texture and simultaneously strengthen your hair follicles.