Whether you’re a seasoned menswear obsessive or simply a regular guy with a passing interest in clothes, chances are you’d like to dress better. Most people want to be the best version of themselves, and taking pride in how you present yourself visually is an extension of that. Look good, feel good. Simple.
The start of a new year is the perfect time to reflect on your wardrobe and change the things about your personal style that bother you. Closet getting cluttered? Not happy with the cut of your suit? OK, change it. That way, you can head into the next 12 months with a clearer mind and a clearer vision of how you want to dress.
Think of it as making some New Year’s style resolutions – changes you can commit to for 2025 to fine-tune your personal style. To get you started, here are 10 of our own that every guy can make.
Buy Better

Fashion trends move at an alarming rate, and it can be tempting to resort to cheap high-street clothes in an attempt to feel current. In our experience, this is a bad idea – as is cutting corners in general. These pieces are inexpensive for a reason. Low prices tend to mean low quality, and while it might feel like you’re being thrifty, what you’re actually doing is filling your wardrobe with garments that will need to be replaced earlier than they should.
Instead, go into 2025 mentally prepared to spend a little more on your clothes. If that means buying fewer items, then so be it – the trade-off is worth it. You can further future-proof yourself by opting for timelessness over trends.
Conduct A Wardrobe Audit

If you’re into clothes, you probably buy way more than you need. It’s also highly likely that you only wear a fraction of the stuff you own. Clutter can cloud your mind and stress you out, sometimes without you even realising it. Have a purge. Get rid of anything you don’t wear or doesn’t complement your style, and enjoy a more streamlined way of dressing.
One of the oldest tricks in the book is to ensure all the hangers in your wardrobe face the same way. Whenever you wear something, turn the hanger the opposite way when you put it back. After a few months, you’ll be able to see clearly which garments aren’t getting any use. Take note and start making some money on Vinted.
Be Ruthless

“Oh, but maybe I will wear it at some point”, you might think. No. If you haven’t worn it in six months, it’s unlikely you will suddenly fall back in love with it. Get rid of it and make way for some pieces that you want and will wear.
If the drawn-out process of listing things for sale makes you less likely to cut them loose, bag them up and take them to your local charity shop instead.
Get Suited

Let 2025 be the year you finally get your tailoring dialled in. Suits are on the up, and if you don’t already own at least one that you can call on when needed, this might be a good way to spend any leftover Christmas money.
Think versatile. If this is your first proper suit, you will want something that can do a bit of everything. The best way to ensure this is to opt for a nice neutral colour (navy and grey are the safest bets) and a classic cut – nothing too slim or loose.
Find a Good Tailor

Finding the right suit is only half the battle. You’ll also want to make sure it fits like a glove. Your local tailor can help you get there, but speak to friends and sift through reviews to find one who knows their way around menswear.
It’s not just suits they can help you with either. A good tailor can alter everything from jeans to T-shirts, ensuring all your clothes fit perfectly. It’s not cheap to get everything done, but it will be completely transformative for your style and confidence.
Bleach Your Whites

Grubby old white T-shirts and dress shirts can ruin otherwise perfectly respectable outfits. These garments look crisp and fresh when they’re in their prime, but repeated wear and washing can cause yellowing around the armpits and general discolouration. But that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to buy new ones.
How do you think hotels keep their white bed linen looking so bright? The answer is that they use special chemicals to keep it that way. You can do the same thing with your greying shirts.
But remember that not all garments are safe to bleach. Look for the little triangle symbol on the wash tag before adding your chosen product to the washing machine and hitting ‘start’.
Develop A Uniform

It’s much easier to dress well when you don’t have to think too much about what to wear. Having a ‘uniform’ takes the guesswork out of getting dressed.
Now, we’re not saying you should wear the exact same thing day in and day out. But knowing what pieces work for you and make you feel good is something to lean into.
Do you like twill overshirts and feel confident when you wear them? That’s great. Now, buy a few different colours and rotate. You can apply this same philosophy to your favourite outfits and never be stuck for something to wear again.
Step Out Of Your Comfort Zone

While it’s great to know yourself and have outfits you can fall back on, that’s not to say you shouldn’t mix things up from time to time. A new year is the perfect excuse to try something new with your personal style and get out of your comfort zone. You can still have your go-to garments and outfits, but why not throw the odd curveball in here or there to keep things fresh?
It doesn’t have to be outrageous. If you’re usually a pretty conservative dresser, stepping out of your comfort zone might be as simple as embracing a subtle pattern or being more creative with your choice of fabrics.
Find Your Colours

Certain colours look better against certain complexions. In fact, we wrote an entire article on the subject.
Find the colours that make you look your best and stick to them. Perhaps more importantly, avoid those that wash you out or clash with your skin tone.
Prioritise Fitness

Rick Owens put it better than we ever could: “No outfit is going to make you feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead.” It’s true. Getting fit and being healthy is the best thing you can do for yourself, and it’ll do far more for your looks and confidence than clothing alone ever could.
January is the perfect time to do it. Fresh off the back of all the excesses of the festive period, you’ll probably be sick of the sight of unhealthy food and alcohol, meaning you’ll be well-positioned to make some positive changes.